if you are a victim of crime it is advisable to report the crime to the nearest police station in the area where the crime was committed. If you cannot get to a police station you can call your nearest police station if you have the number or alternatively call the 10111 emergency number. When you report the crime at a police station the officer/s on duty in the community service centre will first interview you and then take down a statement from you and depending on the nature of the crime will also asked for details of any witnesses to the crime. If the suspect/s are known to you you should also provide that details to them. Provide as much detail as possible  to ensure that possible to speed up the investigation process. If police officials attend the crime scene they will interview you and obtain a statement from you and any witnesses to the crime . Once again make sure that you provide as much detail as possible. One you have given your statement make sure that you read through the statement and if you are not happy with the content or feel that important information has been omitted, bring it under the attention of the police officer.  Do not sign the statement unless you are a 100% happy with it. A case docket will be opened and the case will be registered in the crime administration system (CAS) and a reference number will be provided to you. You will be alerted via SMS or Telephonically of the CAS number if you did not report  the case directly at the police station. All relevant statements obtained will be filed in the case docket and the docket will be handed to a detective for further investigation. The detective should call you soon after that and might need to re-interview you and/or clarify certain aspects of your statement with you. Obtain the contact number of the detective to follow-up on the progress of your case or if you need to provide him/her with further information.
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